About the Journal
Journal title | JOECE: Journal of Early Childhood Education |
Initials | JOECE |
Frequency | 2 issues per year | June & December |
DOI | 10.61580/joece |
E-ISSN | 3048-0728 |
Editor-in-chief | Aim Abdul Karim, M.Pd. |
Publisher | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Islam Putra Galuh Ciamis |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Moraref | Index Copernicus | Garuda | |
JOECE: Journal Of Early Childhood Education analyzes issues, trends, policies, and practices for early childhood education. In addition, the journal offers well-documented points of view and practical recommendations. Peer-reviewed articles cover curriculum, child care programs, administration, staff development, family-school relationships, equity issues, multicultural units, health nutrition, facilities, special needs, employer-sponsored care, infant/toddler programs, child development, advocacy, and more. This journal published twice a year, in June and December, always places childhood education and development in the central focus of academic inquiry and invites any comprehensive research of early childhood education and development with their many facets. The journal serves the needs of early childhood practitioners, including classroom teachers, childcare providers, and teacher educators.
Current Issue
Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Bercerita Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun
Abstract views: 20
PDF downloads: 14
Pengaruh Model Project-Based Learning Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia Dini di Paud Dahlia
Abstract views: 37
PDF downloads: 19
Pengaruh Penggunaan Buku Cerita Bergambar Terhadap Kemampuan Mengungkapkan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini
Abstract views: 20
PDF downloads: 7